


  • BHS-66
  • BJ3885
  • CDO-4469
  • GR0090
  • IRS2972M
  • IZ5145
  • KG2175
  • MPT1127
  • MSS0009M
  • PFD_Shauna.Brooke
  • PFFT0055
  • PTE0660
  • SATC2098
  • SW6445
  • Spazz-324
  • TPP00243
  • Zindy - 3108
2012. Powered by Blogger.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This tutorial was written by me on February 7, 2012. Any likeness to this tutorial is purely coincidental and unintended. Please DO NOT claim this as your own.This tutorial is written for those with  working knowledge of Psp.
I used the  scrapkit  Simply Adore  Sample it is a FTU scrap kit. You  can get it Here
I also used  Gregs Factory Output Splash.  You  can get it  Here
i used the  WSL_Mask15 you  can get it Here
I am  using the artwork of CEI, im not  sure if they are still in MPT butthat  is where  i  got the artists work from.

Open up a  700 x700 White
Take the third paper and take the WSL_Mask15 and  combine the  two. I resized the  mask 70%.
I used drop shadow on the  mask, V=6 H= -6 Opacity =40 Blur=5.00.
I took the  balloons and  did the  same resize, then   did  a  free rotate 35% to the  left  and  put the  balloons  to the  left of the  mask.
I used the  plug in  Gregs Factory Output and  used Splash. The Frequency is 136, Amplitude is 209 and the Phase is 126. Then i  put the  balloons ontop of the other set  of  balloons.

I used  drop shadow on the   balloons. V=3 H=3 Opacity =20 Blur =5.00
For the  frame i  used  the  third  frame  i  used Add/remove noise, add noise 25% Gaussian Monochrome checked. Use the  magic wand and  click the  inside of the  frame, put your tube in the  middle of the frame,  it is  ok  to   resize your tube, i  didnt have to, then put in any paper  for the  background  of the middle of the  frame.
Put the  frame on top of the red balloon. Same drop shadow as before
I took  Tabs - GI SimplyAdoreTSSampler  write any  love quote  in the  middle of  each  tab, then resize it to 50% and put it  on the  bottom left of the  frame.
Then took  Flower1 and  resized it to  60%  and  used mirror and  placed it  on the top right .
I did the  same with  flower2 - the mirror.
And  lastly added my other tube  to the  bottom right  of the  frame.

Thank you for  looking at my  tutorial if you want to  show me your results  you  can mail me


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